Alone In His Presence

March 22, 2024

By: Alexis Patterson

“One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God.” - Joyce Meyer. 

I have found myself struggling to keep up with this year’s pace ~ already! It seems like so much is happening, and I am at the heels, just trying to keep up. Life is ever-changing, and time clearly slows down for no one. Openly, I had gotten off track with my rhythm of getting quiet with God. I had not taken the time because I was too busy trying to keep up with my agenda and everyone else’s. Other things took more of my time and attention than I should have allowed. That is when God gently reminded me that I had not been spending enough time alone with Him. It wasn’t that I stopped reading the Word, praying, and worshiping, but it was the fact that I had not been totally alone with Him. Time alone with God can be a real struggle for most people. Most of the time, we over-complicate the entire idea. However, God wants to be alone with us. He wants quality time with His children; it is His love language. 

Here are a few tips for spending time in the presence of God:

  • Get alone, be still and quiet
  • Welcome God to meet you right where you are
  • Offer praise and thanksgiving to God
  • Repent for where you have fallen short
  • Listen for what God has to say to you

The only agenda is God: to worship Him in spirit and in truth. This time is not about you, but you will benefit from the time spent with the Creator. This is not a time to complain; this is a time to be filled up with God’s goodness. We set ourselves apart from the world when we get alone, still, and quiet. Then, we can give room for the holiness of God to join us as we welcome Him in, to meet us right where we are. In His presence, we offer our praise and thankfulness to God because He’s worthy of our praise.  

Scripture says, “But you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel” Psalm 22:3. God abounds in our praise. Now, we can come into agreement with God in the areas that we have fallen short, the areas we have sinned. We use this opportunity to turn away from those ways because in His presence, a repentant heart is forgiven. At last, we get to hear from God. We hear his mighty love and gentle correction. In His presence, we inevitably get to come really close to the heart of God. The benefits of spending time in God’s presence are endless. Some benefits are revelation, clarity, peace, joy, direction, purpose, and hope!

I pray you find these tips helpful. I hope that you begin or resume spending time specifically with our Lord. He is worthy, and it is worth it! Your spiritual health is only as strong as the time you spend with God.

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