Why Do I Need Boundaries?

April 23, 2023

Without boundaries we do not get freedom. We focus so much of our time on freedom that we don’t see the consequences of not having boundaries. Oftentimes, the things we regret the most could have been avoided if we had had boundaries.

As we start to become aware of our heart desires we start to recognize that we have set up our boundaries right at the edge of sin. Thus we are consistently dealing with temptation. When we constantly have to deal with temptation our hearts change, because we are forming habits.

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

As our hearts change, so do our actions. We must do heart checks. We need to take a couple steps back and create moral margin, between us and sin.

What is a boundary? Boundary is a system we design to keep us from straying.
Our best boundaries are created and kept because of the friends and company we keep. It is an act of love to make the judgement that you cannot spend time with certain people, places, and things.

God calls us to not just make the right choice, but also to the wise choice. Luke 7:35 “But wisdom is proved right by all her children.”

Here are 5 Questions to ask about your friendships:
1. Are my friends going in the direction that I would like to go?
2. Do I feel the need to be someone I’m not?
3. Do you feel pressure to compromise your beliefs and actions?
4. Have I thought “I’ll go but I won’t participate”?
5. Have you ever worried that someone else would worry about your whereabouts?

Take some time to consider these questions. We all need boundaries. Yet each of us will have slightly different boundaries from one another. Boundaries are not a one size fits all. Let God speak to you and convict you of the boundaries you need to put in place for your life
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