Dating: What Do I Need To Know

July 25, 2023

We date because we think we are supposed to, but what are our intentions? Checking our intentions is crucial in using discernment in the midst of deciding to date.

As we check our intentions, we can better understand what it is that we are seeking.
Are we chasing fantasy or legacy? Red flags don’t turn green, yet oftentimes, in the midst of dating we will ignore the red flags because we are chasing the fantasy rather than looking at the reality.

Legacy looks to the future and sets boundaries and standards. This is when we must ask ourselves, “Am I looking for someone to build with?” Choosing to repeatedly experience for ourselves rather than listen to wise counsel can be a key indicator that we are not setting appropriate boundaries and standards in our lives.

Sometimes we date to fill a void and not to find a spouse. However, even in marriage we must realize and remember that no person can ever fill the void that only God can fill. God wants to renew our minds and thus our actions.

Placing God at the center of our lives will direct our actions and guide us through the constant process of renewal. Without renewal, our actions never change and we end up repeating the same thing over and over again expecting different results. The definition of insanity.

Proverbs 18:12 MSG Pride first, then the crash, but humility is precursor to honor.

Let us not approach dating the way the world does it. Rather, let us submit to God, be servants in our community, and find the person God has made for us in the midst of our journey.

John 15:13 NIV Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

When we make God’s mission of love our world, He will provide the one who we were meant to do life with. Someone who is devoted to God is committed to growth. It is only in growth that we can be continually renewed to learn His ways over our own.
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