Why Should You Fall in Love With Jesus and His Word

April 5, 2024

By: April Morris

Psalms 18:30  "As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord's word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him."

As women, there are soooo many things for us to fall in love with: 

 👩‍❤️‍👨 The idea of a perfect marriage #couplegoals 

💰 The idea of being or becoming a boss babe who makes her own money

👖 The joy of fitting into those skinny jeans from decades ago

🏡 That dream home that's been pasted on our vision board year after year 

🏝️ Or the idea of an exotic vacation on a sunny Carribean island

While these pursuits hold value, they can never replace the profound impact of falling in love with our first love, Jesus Christ, and embracing His WORD. In fact, I John 4:19 tells us We love because He first loved us. Before we ever fell in love with Jesus, HE already loved us. We gained all of his attention and affection without having to dress up, fix our hair and slap on some make-up, He loves us just the way we ARE. 

Even if your “ARE-ness” is filled with insecurity, self-doubt, shame, loneliness, fear and addiction, your heavenly Father is madly in love with you. If your ‘ARE-ness’ is hindering you from embracing the love of your Father, allow 1 Peter 4:8 to remind you of a love that covers a multiple of sin. The kind of love that Jesus has for you is deep and real. Even if you don’t love him back, He still loves you. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. I John 4:10 Your ‘ARE-ness’ can never disqualify you from the love that Jesus has for you. 

While there are so many things for us to fall in love with, falling in love with Jesus and his WORD comes with a guarantee- and so many promises that will never disappoint. 

Unlike the words of man that are wishy-washy, God's words are eternal and can never disappoint. As humans, even with the best intentions, our words at times fall short. We say one thing, and do another, while our heart may be in the right place, because we are flawed, our actions miss the mark and our words disappoint.    

As Psalms 18:30 beautifully articulates, "As for God, His way is perfect: The Lord's word is flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him."

While man’s words may fall short and disappoint the words the Lord speaks are flawless and perfect. 

When we fall in love with the word of God it changes everything. 


Because the grass will wither, and the flowers are going to fall but the word of our God endures forever. Isaiah 40:8

When everything else in your life fades away, God’s word will remain standing tall. When the blooms of life wilt and fall, remember that God’s word stands unwavering. When all is said and done, God’s WORD will still be standing strong and his LOVE for you will always remain unwavering. 

So why wouldn’t you want to fall in love with someone like this? 

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