When Fear Rises

July 26, 2017

By Michele Laccabue



Fear is a part of human nature.  Fear can grip us in the most obvious situations or catch us off guard when least expecting it.  When fear rises, are we prepared and equipped to handle it?


Our Fearless Conference, in January, left me fired up and ready to charge ahead with greater boldness and fearlessness for Christ.   How could I not after seeing Lisa Bevere extend her arm towards the heavens holding up an impressively huge sword?   Powerful image.  Powerful reminder.  Power of the sword.  The Sword of the Spirit.  God’s gift of His Word.  Our go-to weapon when fear rises!


Immediately after the conference, I joined a Freedom group and soon pinpointed areas where fear rears its ugly head in my life story.  For me, the fears of rejection, failure, and loss had taken root in my soul.  I discovered that my life is peppered with examples of  “me, myself, and I”  trying to push through fearful situations without waiting on God and depending on His lead and His timing.  Oh, the Enemy has so enjoyed watching me struggle trying to do things my way.


So, here I am, a few months later, doing what I think is a pretty good job of surrendering to God’s ways and walking fearlessly in His strength.  But, then, an unexpected decision arises that alters the trajectory of the ministry plans “I thought” God had given me.  My old fear of rejection crept in as I became fearful of losing something near and dear to my heart.   After shedding a few tears, I went into immediate find-the-solution- and-fix-the problem-mode without waiting on God’s direction.  I thought I was being rather strong and fearless.



THANKFULLY, three days into this charade, I snapped out of the Enemy’s lure because God placed wise women of our church in my path to speak truth.  And, one of them was wearing a Fearless T-shirt.  Boom!   Be fearless!  I remembered the sword.


When fear rises, we are to wield the Sword of the Spirit FIRST before we charge forward.  We are to remember what God has implanted into our hearts.  His words are living, active, and are our weapon to use against the Evil One’s lies.  They also have power to transform us by renewing the mind.  Bye bye stinkin thinkin!


Our good good Father reminded me of Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.


Screech. Slam on the brakes. BE STILL!

I could hear God speaking this loving message, “Be still. I am God. Let me be God. Stop going ahead of me. Wait. I have a plan. Trust  me. I know it is very tough for you to be still, but I’ve got this.  You KNOW me, Michele.  Remember all I have done.  I am going to show you something new. Your next thing. “


And with that encounter, I was free of fear.  Faith replaced fear.  Fearless!  Thank you Jesus!


When fear rises, what voice are you listening to?  Do you remain still (& quiet) long enough to hear what our Lord is saying?

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