Walking with the Spirit

December 26, 2015

By Krisann Snow


“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25


Kevin, my younger brother towers over me. He must have eaten more Wheaties as a kid because he is 6’5” and I am 5’3”. Needless to say, whenever we go anywhere together we are never in step with one another. He is always ten steps ahead of me and I am always out of breath to catch up with him. Why? Because we are not on the same level.

Unfortunately our Christian walk can feel the same way. I sometimes feel out of step with God and where he is taking me or what He is teaching me. Maybe today you feel like God is moving a little too slow in your life, that he isn’t hearing your prayers or making things happen.

On the other hand, maybe it feels like its hard to keep up with God, that he is challenYoung female legs walking towards the sunset on a dirt roadging you or pushing you out of our comfort zone. Whatever your circumstances, just know that there is a learning process that happens when we walk with the Lord. The awesome news of the gospel is that Jesus Christ entered our world to get on our level. He desires to be with us and walk with us. The more time I spend with Kevin, learning about his personality and hearing his voice, the easier it is to walk with him.

Walking with the Spirit is much the same. The more time you spend with God, in prayer and reading his Word, the easier it becomes to walk with His Spirit. He will lead you and guide you.

Prayer: “Holy Spirit, help me to keep in step with you today. As I read your Word, open my eyes to
what it means for my life. Give me an opportunity today to hear your voice and follow your lead. Thank you Jesus for coming down to my level, that I can enjoy time spent with you. Amen”



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