Trust in God

February 6, 2025

By Alexis Patterson

During seasons of uncertainty, the only certain and constant thing in life is God. He’s been the loudest whisper in my life. God has pulled me close to show me all the ways I can absolutely trust in Him. Over the past few years, God has intentionally pried control out of my hands and lovingly shown me why He alone is to be trusted. For some time, I have been on the same journey of stripping down and getting back to the basics to find God at the true center of my life. Releasing control, letting go of idols, dying to my old ways and stepping forward in God’s light has been the journey I choose to take every day. Some days I meet back up with the old me, trying her hardest to be allowed back in and take control; but most days, I am met by the true heart of my Father who reminds me of the bondage He’s rescued me from. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” It’s a verse so very close to my heart. In life, we will be met with hardships and unexpected challenges, but it is in God that we must trust. We serve a God who is willing to meet us in the middle of our mess, and this verse confirms that we need Him in every aspect of our lives. 

Today, I find myself more enlightened by the intentional love of God. This isn’t because the path ahead of me is clear. I have to trust in God to see me through my future. Through struggle and through the good, God whispers, “Trust Me,” and that’s what I intend to do. Through all things, I will bless the Lord. As you read, please understand God is in the business of refining His children. Those whom He has called and who respond to His call will constantly be refined. He will take away your independence and reliance so that you place your dependance and reliance on Him. He pulls back the layers of our ways, reveals our hearts to us and allows us to choose our own will or His. Where does your allegiance lie? Are you content relying solely on your own understanding, or are you willing to seek a way higher than your own? Our struggles will look different, but we all have them. 

If you want God to meet you in the middle, pray this prayer with me:

Abba, Father, God of all creation, meet me right here where I stand. I may be as broken as clay, but I know You to be the Potter, and piece by piece You will restore me. Help me to understand that You are for me and not against me. Your ways are higher than my ways and Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. You are all-knowing! Each day of my life is already counted by You, so help me to align with Your purpose and Your will. Please remove anything in my life that does not align with You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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