The Now

July 12, 2013

by Vivian Germain

As I was lying in bed a few nights ago, I started to think that no matter what season of life I am in, I find myself striving to accomplish something great. Whether it is strengthening my relationship with Christ, becoming a better wife and mother, or maybe sometimes I am striving to lose weight or to have a sparkly clean house. No matter what I am striving to accomplish, I always feel like there is so much to do. And I don’t know about you, but I feel like there is not enough time in my day to accomplish it all.

It occurred to me that I’m putting too many expectations on myself. My time is spent thinking about the things I need to do and sometimes feeling like a failure because I didn’t achieve anything on my “to do” list. As I reflected on this epiphany, I realized I’m missing out on “the now." God only promises today, not tomorrow or next week or next year. So, today, I’m going to love my husband and my children. Today, I’m going to read my bible and talk to God, but most importantly, today, I won’t let the joy of the Lord be stolen from me because my house is not clean, or I haven’t called a dear friend or perhaps I weigh just a little bit more than what I would like.

My season of life is very busy between changing diapers, preparing meals and playing with my children, all while I am trying to have a presentable home and take care of myself. Although this season of life is busy for me, my goal this summer is to celebrate every moment, to be open, and to be present. I’m going to allow God to take control of my days and to show me how to spend them. I don’t know what our exact plans are this summer, but I know it will be spontaneous and fun. I still want to be intentional about everything I do; I just don’t want the stress and busyness to steal the gift of being present.

If you are in a season of life that is busy, be kind to yourself, relax and enjoy the present!

Are you so busy that you forget to enjoy “the now”? How do you manage balance in your life when you are busy? Please share your thoughts and comments below. 

 Vivian Germain has been a Christian for over 20 years and really enjoys the freedom that is in Christ. She brings encouragement to other women by sharing her spiritual walk. Vivian and her husband, Dustin, have three beautiful children; Daniella, Andrew and Matthew. She loves the beach, date nights and to travel almost anywhere. 

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