The Joy Trap

March 17, 2017

By Silke Buczynsky



I’m in a transition stage in my life at the moment. As I walk around with wide-open eyes to learn and discover his new plan for me, I find myself getting caught in the comparison trap. Maybe I should become a speaker like her, or write wise books like so and so, or start a new revolutionary ministry. Today when I spent time with the Lord I learned that I lost my joy by comparing myself to other women and their callings.


I believed that different callings would have different values. God reassured me that my calling of being a mother, homeschool mom and wife and serving in His Freedom quest has the same value as any other calling out there. My calling is unique and important in his plan. God does not have a value hierarchy of jobs and callings. Each one is equally important just like us!


The agenda of the enemy is to steal, kill and destroy and he is after our relationship with our father in heaven. If he can steal our faith and destroy our trust, all other fruits of the Spirit will fall like domino pieces in a chain reaction. We loose peace, love, joy and hope.


When I compare myself with other women, which is one of the joy-robbing traps of the enemy, I get caught in a whirlwind of emotions.  When I admire a mother who looks amazing while pushing two little ones in her shopping cart, I leave the grocery store that day with my groceries in my bags but also with a defeated spirit, a weakened self-image and a dent in my joy. My joy should not depend on my circumstances or people. True joy comes through Christ who lives in me.


Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God work for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” God will use everything we face, the good and the challenges, for our good. He forms and develops our character and forms us into experts in our calling. Did you hear that? We become experts in our calling!!  I want to be an expert. After all, an expert is a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge in a particular area or a special skill.


Why is Satan after our joy? Attacking our joy makes it easy for him to weaken our relationship with God. It is really that simple. He is quick to offer us an assortment of alternatives to replace true joy with worldly happiness or worldly escapes.


Where are you right now in your life? How do you feel when you compare yourself with others?  Do you need to make adjustments in your life and spend more time with God and invest into your relationship with him? What happiness replacements did you allow to come into your life?


I've decided to be content in what I’m doing for God and faithful in what He entrusts to me. I am learning that in order for me to move on to my new calling I have to be grateful and content where God is placing me right now.  No more comparing!


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