November 26, 2021

Pam Otto, GFC Lutz 

I was at the grocery store the other day unloading my cart and getting ready to pay, when one of the workers noticed my t-shirt. It said ‘STRONGER’. You might remember the dark green one from a previous Beautiful Conference? We chatted a bit and he teased me that I didn't need any help with my overflowing grocery bags since I was ‘STRONGER’! We laughed a bit, shared a smile and I went on my way.

As I was driving home, I thought, “Huh, I don't feel very strong today... in fact I feel a bit beat up, and maybe even kind of weak. What am I doing wearing a t-shirt that says STRONGER on it! That seems way more optimistic than what I was feeling...I mean, I wish I felt Stronger!” As I thought longer, I knew I wanted to be filled up, even overflowing with strength, kindness, joy, and anything else that we’d want to wear on the front of our t-shirts, but I just couldn't get there. Some days, we just feel blah, or sad, or emotional, or in recent days of hardship and loss, maybe even numb. What about you? Have you ever been there?

My heart's desire is to walk through the highs and lows of life with God’s amazing grace, a thankful heart and the fruit and strength that comes from knowing Him. Most days, that’s where I live, and you likely do as well. But there are moments, when we feel the weight of the world and sometimes it's a challenge to feel the deep soul connection that strengthens us! This is no surprise to God...He even tells us in Isaiah that He will strengthen our frame! Isn't that a win?
Check out this verse:

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11

He promises that He will strengthen us! We get STRONGER when we lean on Him!

When in that space of needing strength, I often get encouraged when I both pay attention to God and what His word says, as well as listen to worship songs that repeat these truths. God always speaks words of life, words that bless, teach, correct and inspire! He is the answer to the stuck places in each of our lives.

The worship song that inspired me in my weak state recently is called “Yes and Amen” by Housefires. It comes from the verse in 2 Corinthians which says,

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” 2 Cor. 1:20

No matter how many promises the Lord has made, we have an assurance that not one will ever fail.
I want to encourage you when you feel less than, overwhelmed or just plain weak, to dig into His Words and get your worship on! Here are the words to the song that lifted me out of my pit and reminded me of all we have in Jesus! Praying you let God's word fill you up and strengthen your frame!

“Yes and Amen”- Housefires:
Father of kindness
You have poured out of grace
You have brought me out of darkness You have filled me with peace
Giver of mercy
You're my help in time of need
Lord I can't help but sing
Faithful you are
Faithful forever you will be
Faithful you are
All your promises are Yes and Amen All your promises and Yes and Amen
Beautiful Saviour
You have brought me here
You have pulled me from the ashes You have broken every curse Blessed Redeemer
You have set this captive free Lord, I can't help but sing
Faithful you are
Faithful forever you will be
Faithful you are
All your promises are Yes and Amen I will rest in your promises
My confidence is Your faithfulness
I will rest in your promises
All your promises are Yes and Amen All your promises are Yes and Amen


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