Stressed this Christmas?

December 1, 2023

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

This year just hasn't gone the way we expected. The Christmas season has sprung up faster than we were ready for. The kid’s Christmas wish lists remain unchecked while we work our way through the stack of bills. With finances tighter than ever - how will we explain this to the kids? 

If this is how you’re feeling this year, we understand. You are not alone, and we’ve got you covered. In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he encourages the church to carry each other's burdens. It’s a calling to take seriously and find great joy in doing! So this Christmas, let us take this stress off your shoulders.

Christmas Express (previously known as Christmas Helpers) is a Christmas gift program for families from families. The families of Grace Family Church have stepped up to provide gifts for your kids - from babies to teenagers, we have you covered. We are excited to help you make this Christmas season one to remember. 

Christmas Express is available for those who currently attend any of the Grace Family Church locations, and all you have to do is fill out the “Unwrap” form using the link below. 

And if you are able to give this year, you can join us in caring for our church family by purchasing and wrapping items from a family’s Christmas list! Follow the link below to “Wrap” a gift for a family in need.

Merry Christmas, friends!

UNWRAP: Receive Gifts to Open with Your Family LINK HERE

WRAP: Purchase and wrap items from a Family’s Christmas list LINK HERE

Email with any questions.

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