Something Beautiful

September 6, 2011

By Paige Eavenson

Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

If beauty is God’s handwriting, then he was leaving His signature all over Grace Family Church and the women who attended the launch of our new women’s ministry, Beautiful, on August 29th.beautiful launch night

The Beautiful women’s ministry was birthed out of a desire for every woman within our church, young and old, to feel loved, chosen and empowered to do all that God has called each woman to do. After months of praying and planning we were finally able to unveil our new identity.

The night was bubbling with anticipation. As each woman walked through the door you could sense something exciting was about to happen. Many women were sporting their new, “Beautiful” t–shirts, and each lady that entered the building had and an exceptionally beautiful glow about them.beautiful ladies at launch

When the doors opened to the sanctuary, the music was loud, the stage was all set and the women poured in from all directions, all 600 of them! The night kicked off with Kristin Bonham, our women’s ministry director, casting the vision of Beautiful and introducing her team. After an awesome worship time, Grace Family Church members, Rachel Ward, Terri Blanchard and Paula Friesen shared their testimonies on how small groups have impacted their lives. Our pastor’s wife, Debbie Altman, then took the stage to remind us that small groups are the heartbeat of our church and without them the ministry that happens each week at Grace Family would not be the same. The service included time for each woman to visit different small group stations, where they heard from our small group leaders in hopes of finding a group to join.

As someone who has been a part of Grace Family for many years, it was incredible to see God work out all the details and stir the hearts of so many women to come out and get connected. The Lord allowed fun and amazing things to happen at our launch party and I can only imagine what He has in store for the future.beautiful launch connecting

I once heard that if you’re looking to find your place in a community, or this world for that matter, just look around at what God is already doing and join in, offering your own gifts and talents. Ladies, something beautiful is happening at Grace Family Church and I challenge you to invite a friend, get connected and let God work something beautiful in your own life.

Click here for more information on small groups, or you can email

P.S. Here is a link to a few pictures of our launch party in case you missed it. You are Beautiful!

If beauty is God’s handwriting, then he was leaving His signature all over Grace Family Church and the women who attended the launch of our new women’s ministry, Beautiful, on August 29th.

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