Small Steps

February 24, 2017

By Nancy Strackany



For me, finding quiet time alone with God is difficult. I have struggled to find consistent devotion time for years. Over a year ago I committed to getting up a half an hour earlier in the morning. I am often sleepy but willing.


When I started to wake up earlier, so did my husband. By the time I snuck out of the bedroom and made coffee and settled into my favorite chair, my husband was up and wanting to connect. So, I started to set up the coffee the night before. While I talked to God the coffee brewed and I had just enough time to open my Bible. My good intentions were there but I knew I was still not getting enough from my study time.


At the Beautiful Fearless Conference, I attended the breakout session on studying the Word. From that session, I learned about and began doing an online bible study app called First5. Every day I read a chapter in the Bible, right now the book of Judges, and then read a short discussion on it.


For the first time, I feel I am getting the entire story instead of bits and pieces like I had before. One of my favorite parts is the comment section. What I realize is these women are just like me. They sometimes fail and they are often unsure of what God is saying to them.  Like mine, their lives aren’t always easy just because they're a Christian. We are all on a faith journey, asking God for big changes and taking the small steps to get to where he wants us to go.


I believe that God is with us through this journey, as He was with the Israelites, and no problem is too big or too small for God. If it's Gods will, He will assure that it happens. I want to do all I can to know and be obedient to His will.


So, even though the chair in my open family room is comfortable, and the study engaging, distractions are a problem. My mind wanders to what color I want to paint the walls or that I should get something out for dinner or my husband wants to chat. I decided to take my study to the guest bedroom where I have a desk.


When my son came at Christmas and we moved the desk under the window to fit the crib for my granddaughter and it stayed there. Now, sitting at my desk, with a view of my garden, the one I had dedicated to God, it suddenly felt right.


Big Changes Start with Small StepsLittle changes, faithfulness to God’s will and perseverance, all combined to allow God to fix my little Bible study problem, just like that. God knows our needs even when we don't and I believe He worked it out so I could see the solution. He knew what it would take to get me where I needed to go.

For three weeks now, every morning, I have a time, a place, and a fresh cup of coffee. Most importantly I have the presence of God. Ladies, when you love God and are striving to do His will, He will ensure that everything will eventually work together to achieve it.

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