Shall We Dance?

June 2, 2023

Alexis Patterson, GFC Lutz

A few years back, a dear friend who's a God fearing woman said to me, “Alexis, I had this vision of you dancing with the Holy Spirit”. She continues to encourage me in the Spirit and tells me to keep going. I remember it so vividly because it was so nice to hear those words in that season of my life where I didn’t always quite understand if I was coming or going. 

I followed up on the phone a bit later and expressed to this friend how in that season I felt like God would call me to an assignment and then send me to rest. I’d get a new assignment and then was sent back to rest. It was this tempo of taking a few steps forward and then stepping in place. And, my friend said to me again “it’s that dance with the Holy Spirit I saw you doing a few months ago”. Immediately, her words resonated with me as I realized in that moment I had been dancing in rhythm with the Holy Spirit. You know how when you pray for God to lead you and He does just as you requested but because every step isn’t ordered the way you think it should go, you get discouraged? Well, that’s where I was at that time. 

This illustration of faith reminded me of a time when I took Salsa lessons. I absolutely love to dance and it is very similar to life. I love to do it on my own, freely, moving to the rhythm the way I want to move. However, Salsa is typically a partner dance and as a female your male partner leads. So I took the class alone; I didn’t come with my husband as a partner and every class I danced with a different male lead. Oftentimes we would form a line; men lined up on one side and women lined up on the other. Then, the women would move down the line changing partners each time to experience dancing with different leads. As I moved down the line I noticed how each lead danced a different way. Some moved fluently, some moved abruptly, some danced off beat and some seemed to smoothly glide with the tempo of the Salsa tunes. Every time I had to adjust but I never broke hold and never overruled the lead. 

Dancing with the Holy Spirit is similar to dancing with a lead partner in Salsa. In various seasons of life our dance with Him will look different. In some seasons the dance will be fluent as He leads us to mountain tops and we're postured for a glorious moment. In other times the dance can be a little off beat as He leads us through difficult times so you we lean in a little more, practice those steps more diligently, and ultimately trust Him to lead the way as we dance. When the Holy Spirit takes us by the hand and asks, “Shall we dance?”, let's say "yes" and let Him lead. No matter the flow or how uncoordinated it may seem, let's choose to trust Him. It’s by far the best dance we’ll ever do. 

I pray that both you and I accept His invitation to dance and hold a firm posture supported and guided by the Holy Spirit. Surrendered and trusting Him with each step we take. Let's lean in close so that we learn with each change of tempo, He’s still in control. 

“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” John‬ ‭16:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


Father, Thank You for the gift of your Holy Spirit that dwells in us and among us. Guiding us, supporting us, and teaching us as we dance through life. It is an honor to be led by You. Help me to see this dance as beautiful movements of worship that bring honor to You. You are altogether lovely. I invite You to lead me in this dance today and everyday. It’s with a humble heart I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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