Rest for your Soul

April 22, 2016

By KrisAnn Snow


“As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the

Spirit descending on him like a dove." Mark 1:10


Notice how the Holy Spirit comes upon those whom He loves; gentle, soft, with purity and grace. Like a dove, He determines where He will land with precision and purpose. He does not come at random, but rather, He descends upon the believer at the moment of salvation. He fills you. He embraces you. He covers you. Unlike the rushing of the rapids, the Spirit flows into your life like a smooth stream, bringing with him stillness and peace. Heaven is torn open for you. God Almighty burst through heaven and earth to allow His Spirit to descend upon your soul. He has determined to land in your life, with precision and purpose.


Perhaps today you feel the burdens of this life descending on you like a ton of bricks, heavy and overwhelming. You might struggle to maintain a balance between work, family, yourself, and your time with the Lord. When the world presses in on us, it becomes difficult to feel His presence. Often times we carry loads far heavier than our small souls were intended to bear. Christian, do not let the sin of your life or the sin of this world weigh you down. Loosen your grip. Drop your load. Let our Savior carry them for you. For Jesus says, take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

This morning as you read and pray, take some time to be still before the Lord. Ask Jesus to take from you that which weighs you down. Give your cares and concerns to Him. Pray that the Spirit would fill you and refresh you. Walk in the confidence that you have Him in you. The Spirit of the Living God has descended upon you, to empower and enable you.

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