Pursue Wisdom

October 6, 2023

By: Sarah Holt

“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.”  Proverbs 3:13-15

Have you ever found yourself chasing the pursuit of wealth, possessions, or success? I am currently pursuing a degree in Marketing at USF and have become all too aware of the tactics our culture and marketing place on materialistic pleasure to achieve happiness. It’s comforting to know that this has been an issue since David wrote the Psalms thousands of years ago. 

I grew up in a family that shopped out of boredom and acquired way too much but never felt full. Many of us can also relate to the high standards being set by social media to upgrade our home decor, outfits, and outward possessions in general. Culture sets a bar for perfection that keeps rising and leaves us chasing the wind. 

I love this verse in Proverbs because it draws attention to things like silver, gold, and jewels, objects that are shiny and alluring. The author points to their attributes being a distraction from the most valuable thing we could seek, which is wisdom. 

In 1 Corinthians 1:30, we read that “It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God--that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption.” As Christians, we know that Jesus is the picture of wisdom, and His power and wisdom live in us through the Holy Spirit. Since Jesus showed us what living by wisdom looks like, you could say that as we seek Jesus, He will provide us with His wisdom. So, how do we tap into the wisdom of God?

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior, the Holy Spirit already lives in you! Ephesians 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” 

Every spiritual blessing is available to us if we are in Christ. 

Pause on that. 


If the spirit of God lives in us, how can we tap into His wisdom and find this treasure greater than anything we could ever possess? The path is shockingly simple:

1. Ask God for wisdom. Invite Him into your day. Every day I ask God for energy, joy, and the fruits of the spirit. I never want to “do the day without Him.” 

2. Cultivate intimacy with Jesus by spending time in the Bible daily. This is the secret place where wisdom takes shape. Jesus wants an authentic relationship with us. Tell Him what’s going on in your life, and let His word transform you by renewing your mind. If you’re short on time, listen to worship music and pray to start your day.

3. Seek friends and mentors who can help encourage you to pursue wisdom.

Bonus Challenge: Recently, the Lord put it on my heart to not purchase any material possessions (clothes, nick-nacks, or home decor, etc.) for an entire month. He asked me to fast from shopping and to focus on contentment and gratitude instead. It has been an amazing experience to rely on Him and chase after wisdom instead of material possessions for my comfort or security. Maybe there’s something else God wants you to fast from; pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal what it might be. Then, be obedient and see how your faith is increased.

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