Proactive Prayers

May 14, 2021

Lauren Delgado, GFC Temple Terrace

Potty Training might be one of the most exhausting experiences as a mom of littles. Day two of potty training my son I felt myself crying and celebrating all in the same moment. If you can picture it, excitement and frustration all wrapped up into a "Messy Mom" package. That was me… messy hair, no make-up, pee covered clothing, and a tear stained smile. I cried out that day to God to simply give me the strength not to give up so easily. It doesn’t matter how many blog posts or tips and tricks you read. Potty training is hard. And so is raising little humans. They’re exhausting. So many days I find myself praying reactively instead of proactively. How much more effective would my prayers be if I said them before the craziness occurred? We live life sometimes reacting instead of proactively preparing for the mess. Whether you’re a mom of littles, teenagers, an empty nester or maybe you don’t have kids, there are days and seasons in life that are just exhausting.

God says in Colossians 4:2 (ERV) “Never
stop praying. Be ready for anything by praying and being thankful.”

Be ready! Pray proactively so that you’re ready for the day. Ready for the meltdown. Ready for
the accidents. Ready for the issues. Ready for traffic. Ready for disagreements. So. You’re. Ready.

My challenge to all of us is to find 5-10 minutes of silence today where we can jot down a simple, yet proactive prayer. Let's all post it somewhere we'll see it each morning so we don't miss it. On the fridge, bathroom mirror, phone, or wherever we know we'll see it. Let this be a
reminder to us to stop and pray daily … BEFORE the chaos of life and instead proactive in faith!

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