Praying Big Prayers

November 5, 2013

by Renee Scott

I enjoyed our series on praying BIG prayers and taking the limits off of God. Recently Pastor Craig confirmed praying techniques that my mom instilled in us growing up. If you want your prayers answered, here are three tips:

Be specific.

Early in my twenties, I wanted to marry. My twin sister married her high school sweetheart immediately after we graduated college and it increased a desire for me to find my soul mate. Before her marriage, we were always together. We grew up together, went to the same schools (including college), but now she was leaving college with a new car, fiancée, and an exciting career. On the other hand, I was heading back to my parent's home with no job and no relationship that even looked like marriage might be on the horizon. It was the hardest time for me.

My mom encouraged me to pray specifically for what I wanted. Not for God just to bring a man my way but to pray for his characteristics, stature, and most importantly his relationship with Christ. They were life changing words for me. I followed her advice and months later, Alton walked into my life. Within five months we were engaged and ten months later, married.

I'm not here to say that all of your requests will come that quickly. Only God knows the details of your life. Trust His timing and the process he takes you through to mature you in your faith.

Pray and Claim God's promises.

It might seem cliché but it's true. The Bible has all the answers you need. Recite God's words in your prayers. Declare His provision, His will, and His promises. If you stand in need of physical healing, remember that by His stripes you are healed. If you need freedom, remember that whom the Son sets free is free indeed. If you need His blessings in your finances, remember that God longs to bless you.

Whatever your test might be, find scriptures that speak to your situation and recite them daily. Write them on post it notes and hang them throughout your home. Leave the word of God playing in your home ("Bible Experience" is a great Bible resource in cd format). Change your atmosphere and watch God move mightily in your life!

Be Persistent

Our relationship with God is not a "one and done" situation. God's desire for our prayer life is clear in Ephesians 6:18 (TLB):

Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit’s wishes. Plead with him, reminding him of your needs, and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere.

Let us know how we can pray for you.

Renee ScottRenee Scott is co-founder of the popular blog, , where she shares encouragement and inspiration to men and women all over the world.  She’s been a member of Grace Family Church for four years. She loves to run and recently completed her first half marathon. She is a wife of over 14 years and mother of two children.

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