Pray in Expectation

May 3, 2013

Today we begin a new series on A Beautiful Blog! During the month of May, our writers will be sharing what God has shown them this past semester at Beautiful! We hope our stories bring you encouragement! 

by Evelyn Ayala

I have faithfully attended the Beautiful Monday Night Bible Study for the past year. I’ve grown tremendously in my personal walk with Jesus, but it wasn’t until 2 weeks ago that the Holy Spirit gave me a revelation about my prayer life.

When Sharon Tubbs spoke, she shared that individuals are often surprised when their prayer is answered. I related completely. I was going through the motions of casting my cares upon the Lord but not really believing that he would hear me. Specifically, my ongoing prayer was that my husband would start attending service with me.  Initially, he was not interested in attending church and his work schedule kept him from being able to come, however, God answered my prayer! To my surprise his schedule was changed in the beginning of March which allowed him the weekends off and he hasn’t missed a service yet!

I now pray in expectation that my prayer will be answered!  Beautiful has been a tremendous blessing to my spiritual walk and I am so grateful for Sharon’s teaching. I now understand that God is always at work and He will always answer my prayers as long as I believe and my requests are in line with His will.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

What are you having faith for as you patiently wait for answered prayers? 

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