Perfect Peace

January 12, 2024

By: Luisa Mayer

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

I don’t know about you, but in my sufferings, I need renewed faith to trust in God’s promises. I struggle to believe in things that seem impossible. 

In the last five years, I have lost three close family members. While personally grieving, I still had to be the one to hold things together for the family. I was feeling emotionally drained earlier last year. In prayer, I asked God, “Is this really what you have called me to be because my tank is running on fumes?” After praying this, I felt God leading me to know more about who He is and what His plans are for me. I decided to study the Bible in greater depth, from cover to cover, and in the process, I learned so much more. 

Through my challenges last year, I had the hope to stand on God’s word with peace in my spirit, and He indeed renewed my strength. When my husband's business was failing and several of my adult children were looking for careers, God gave me the peace I needed for some situations and answered prayer for others. When it looked like we would not be able to buy a home this past year, I started praying for the house that we wanted to buy. Whenever I would drive by it, I would actually raise my hands and say “Lord, you know my desire is to live in a house like this closer to the Lutz area, and if it isn’t this one, I know you have something just as good or better for me.” After two months, we came upon a housing development and a house plan that checked off many of the things on our list. It is not as close as I wanted, but will save me half the driving time. All I can do is smile and give God the glory.

The peace that I have now only comes from the confidence God has given me through knowing Him better. I pray that wherever you are in your walk with God, He will show you who He is in a new way and that you will have peace and joy through all your trials.

I encourage you to seek Him in a personal way. Find other women that would like to be challenged, encouraged, and/or a mentor to others. You can lead a group in your home or you can host and let someone else take the lead. Faith in what He can do will provide all you need to begin.

“Be joyful in hope, be patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Let’s get to know Him better together.

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