Peace for the Fight

November 25, 2016

By Chrissy Mayer


This year has been quite a year.  There have been many mountain tops and many valleys. But as Jennie Allen once stated, "we can grow to not really know the difference." I never really knew what that statement meant other than I knew it held something very deep. This year I’ve seen and experienced much fruit and much favor but have also felt great fear and experienced much doubt. Yet I still found peace.




Today, His lovingkindness has little old me, just a girl who said “Yes!” sitting in for the Senior Chaplain at Hernando Correctional Institution as volunteer Chaplain for the day. Exactly one year ago, I took my first steps forward with the passion and a vision that God had placed in my heart for those who are incarcerated. My obedience mixed with His favor places me in unbelievable and unexplainable positions of influence.


As I look around at where I am and the journey it took to get here I am overcome with gratitude and have unspeakable peace concerning the future – praising Him in all things. Friend, no matter where you are at today or what is going on around you, you can have peace for the fight. You can stand tall in the storm. Maybe it’s the loss of a job or a loved one or maybe the loss of a relationship or a dream. Maybe you feel stuck or maybe you feel like you’re taking giant leaps backwards. I’ve found that although there are moments on the mountaintop and moments in the valley, typically our days are more a combination of the two.


If you are in the middle of it, facing doubt, or waiting for your miracle, may this help you as you pursue peace in the fight.


Choose to reflect on what He has done.

“O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all of your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.” Psalm 40:5

I gain new perspective as I begin to see things through Heaven's eyes. When I am reminded that He is good and that He is for me, I begin to see my circumstance as an invitation to an opportunity instead of as an obstacle or a setback.


Choose to recognize what He is doing.

“I love you Lord, you are my strength. The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress, my Savior in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me and my place of safety. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised and He saves.” Psalm 18:1-3

When I am able to celebrate every victory no matter the size of the advancement, I am able to hold my head higher and throw back my shoulders. I am able to stand taller and step forward with a boldness.


Choose to rejoice in what He will do.

“You light a lamp for me. The Lord my God lights up my darkness. In your strength I can crush any army, with my God I can scale any wall. God’s way is perfect and His promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. Who is God but the Lord? Who is God but a solid rock. He arms me and makes my way perfect.” Psalm 18:28-32


I must learn to live beyond what I see or what I feel. Christ says that though we live in this world we are not to be of this world. Therefore, when everything I sense tells me that hope is lost, when I find myself empty of words, I can call on His Spirit living in me. His Spirit, in me, empowers me to fight even when everyone else says that I should just sit down and throw in the towel. His word tells us that “He tunes His ear to our cries. He bends down to hear us and He is pleased.”


The longer I remain standing and the more boldly I march forward in faith, the more the enemy retreats and hopelessness begins to lose its grip. So I don’t tap out! I choose a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving! For it is with the weapon of worship I find the peace to fight whatever may come, knowing that it is all so dearly held by my Savior.


“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

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