One Beautiful Mom

August 17, 2012

by Aerin Battey

My Beautiful Moms testimony actually began three years ago when I came to my first meeting. That season God lead me to a table full of young, first-time moms. I left feeling like this Beautiful Moms thing would be just a fun mom’s morning out. It wasn’t until December of that season that I realized it would mean much more to me than that. That year my mother passed away suddenly, and through that very difficult time the presence of my Beautiful Moms friends surrounded me. My family had weeks worth of meals delivered, prayers, cards, flowers, and so much more from a group of moms I had just met, and some that I didn’t even know.  I felt so blessed and grateful that God knew how much I would need the support that year.

The next year Beautiful Moms came around and, if I am being honest, I will say that I had to force myself to that first meeting. I knew that I wanted to see my friends and get out but I was in the grips of a depression. I was a year into my mom’s passing and almost two years into a battle with infertility. At the time we had an almost 3-year-old son and wanted so badly to have another baby. It seems like that season God was really testing me because I felt like EVERYONE was pregnant. Every month another mom at the table would announce her pregnancy and I was torn between being happy for them and my own desires. I was glad for those monthly meetings that would force me out of the house and offer encouragement.

In 2011, I joined Beautiful Moms again, and decided to also attend A Beautiful Weekend. The devil made many attempts to stop my efforts to go. But I checked in on Thursday night feeling pretty emotionless but ready for some time away. The next night after a day of break-out sessions and some serious girl time, we decided to pray and lay hands to claim a life into my body. We found a quiet room and sat there waiting for a few girls to come in. The next thing I knew, walking through the doors is an army of Beautiful Moms members ready to join us. After that night, I felt like a dark cloud had been lifted and I could finally see clearly. I drove home from the retreat knowing in my heart that God had a plan and whatever it was going to be I would be okay with it. 

Two weeks later my husband and I were waiting to start our first round of In Vitro Fertilization when I decided to take a pregnancy test. To my amazement, it was positive. After years of creams, medicines, and shots, the Lord heard and answered the powerful prayers of a room full of moms standing together in faith. In June, we welcomed our beautiful baby girl, Hannah, to our family. I’m so grateful for everything God did for our family, and for my amazing Beautiful Moms friends.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20


Beautiful Moms is for mothers with pre-school or elementary age children. This large-group gathering meets twice a month and offers connection with other moms, dynamic teachings, helpful advice and small group discussion. The 2012 season of Beautiful Moms kicks off on Thursday, Sept. 6 at 9:30 a.m. in the GFC Gym. Registration is $55 for the full year. Childcare is available for ages 0-5. To register, click here.

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