No More Excuses

August 31, 2012

by Kathy Erickson

I was sitting in service and Pastor Craig mentioned the importance of being involved in a small group. I heard him mention this other times, but I always wondered how I would have the time with kids, school, work, grocery shopping, and the myriad of other things that women are responsible for. I always told myself I’ll join a group… later when the time is right and I have more free time.  This particular service as I heard Pastor Craig speak, I thought about how unconnected I felt with the people of Grace Family and how I wanted to grow in my relationship with Christ.

I finally decided that despite my other commitments it was my time for me to work a small group into my schedule. It’s amazing when you decide to take that step how God starts working in your life. When I decided to make the commitment, God worked out the schedule.  I realized I didn’t have to join a group that met every week and with all the different choices of nights or weekends, finding a group was really not all that difficult.

I remember emailing group leader Sara Sneen about her group and deciding to come to their next meeting to give it a “try out.” I don’t know about other women, but I was a little nervous…ok, a lot nervous. I mean, what if the ladies in the group didn’t like me or if they thought I was strange or what if I thought they were strange.  Does this sound familiar? I hope someone can relate. I put my fears aside and showed up at Sara’s house not really sure what I had gotten myself in to. But after that first meeting, I knew I found the right small group.

I can say with all confidence that the ladies I first met over two years ago have now become some of my closest friends. We laugh together, cry together, and pray together. We share our life struggles and our successes. A couple of them were with me when I ran my first half marathon. In fact, we crossed the finish line holding hands. Sometimes when I’m going through something that I don’t necessarily want to share with the whole group, there is always at least one of the ladies who I can confide in and get her advice. We do not judge, but encourage each other in love and friendship. I see Christ in each of these ladies, and they help bring out Christ in me.  I am forever grateful that I listened to God’s nudging and took the step of faith.

Now's the time to take a step of faith and join a Beautiful small group! With all the groups to choose from, you're certain to find one that's right for you. Brouse our small group listing at Click on "find a group" on the right side of the page to see all the available women's small groups.

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