New Things!

June 12, 2017

By Paige Eavenson



At the beginning of the year I like to pick a word to define my year and focus on. I didn't have anything major or profound word that the Lord was giving me only the word NEW kept coming to mind. I did a quick search to find out where the word “NEW” was in Scripture and one of the first verses that stuck out to me was the verse in Isaiah 43:19, “See, I am doing a NEW thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19 NIV



Back in November, 2015, God led us to a NEW state. We moved from Florida to South Carolina. There were lots of reasons we moved but mostly there was this deep knowing of God wanting to do something NEW in our life and with our family.


So, we moved to a NEW town in a NEW state and you could definitely say that we are experiencing many NEW things. We are getting to make NEW friends, find a NEW church, move to a NEW to us home, find a NEW grocery store.


You get the point and see the pattern, much of my life is filled with change and NEW things. Even with all the “newness” however, there has still been this question in my spirit of “Lord, what is it that you are calling me to do in this NEW town? What is my assignment here?”


Rewind back to the Fearless conference in January and Lisa Bevere said something like this, “You don't know what you are called to do because you were called to do something that has never been done before.” I felt like the Lord was saying don't look at what everyone else is doing with their life, I have called you to do something NEW. Something that has not been done before. So, don't look to the left or to the right and compare yourself with everyone else's life, just look to Me, let Me lead your life and direct your steps. I want to do something NEW in and through you.


In the Message version of this scripture it says, “Forget about what happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the Badlands.”

It reminds me of the quote by Steven Furtick, “ Don’t let what’s behind you make you miss what’s before you.” I can definitely find myself wanting to live in the past and be afraid to keep stepping out in faith in this NEW season. However, I’ve come to learn faith doesn’t look or act like that.


Faith is taking the steps, being alert, being present to what God is doing right now. He’s bursting with new ideas, seasons and plans for our lives. We only need to look for them and see the NEW things He is doing. Then step out in faith and go after the NEW. What is the thing God is speaking to you to go do? Don’t delay, but start taking those steps today.


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