My Pursuit

September 3, 2016

By Amy Hafner



rope_bridgeWalking in to my first Freedom Group in the spring of 2014 was slightly intimidating. I was a very new Christian, not yet baptized, who didn’t know much about the Bible, fellowship, or this word “freedom.”


I remember sitting down in a very large “small” group, listening to the hearts and personalities of so many different women.  Some were ready to bare their souls, be vulnerable and transparent and I simply wasn’t one of them.  Instead I sat there judging, “Her problem is so minor.  Well that’s an easy fix.  Isn’t she a Christian?”


I didn’t say one word that first group, which is shocking for me. I left thinking, “what did I just sign myself up for?”  I thought I had nothing in common with these ladies and I would never let my guard down with them.  I’m embarrassed to admit this, and I really had to repent of my attitude because it was so wrong.


Over the next nine weeks, this group transformed my life.  They became the friends and community I was in desperate need of.  They cheered me on through my struggles and my triumphs. God revealed to me how similar our paths intermingled and we were able to build each other up.  I was baptized that March and will be a co-leader for a Freedom Group this fall!


As we begin our semester I’m reminded of Mother Teresa’s wise words:

“If you judge people you have no time to love them.ori-57838


Now let’s be honest, are you going to be new best friends with everyone in your group?  Probably not.  But we can always err on the side of love and acceptance.


God, thank you for loving me right where I am. Help me to love others where they are. Bless our efforts to love and not judge and as we seek you, let us find you!

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