Let's Talk Turkey

November 21, 2011

With Thanksgiving only a couple days away, we sat down with the GFC Beautiful staff to find out about a few of their favorite Thanksgiving traditions.

What is your favorite food at Thanksgiving?
Kristin Bonham: Stuffing
Paige Eavenson: Turkey and green bean casserole
Vivian Germain: Pumpkin pie and sweet potato casserole
Marilyn Hinders: Turkey and dressing
Alexandra Hoeneggar: My mom's carrots
Leslee Stewart: Pumpkin pie

What is a special tradition your family has on Thanksgiving?
Kristin Bonham:  Going around the table and saying what we're thankful for. Eating way too much and napping while watching football.
Paige Eavenson: Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and going to Busch Gardens after lunch.
Marilyn Hinders: To invite all our friends and neighbors who don't have family to join us for a 2 p.m. dinner.
Alexandra Hoeneggar: Baked apples and cranberries.
Leslee Stewart: We always make a new sweet potato recipe each year. My favorite was this recipe for Sweet Potato Cups from Southern Living.

What was your most memorable Thanksgiving?
Kristin Bonham:  When we were in Tennessee eating turkey looking out the window at wild turkeys.
Marilyn Hinders: One year in Germany, when our children were babies, we had 25 military friends over for Thanksgiving and it was the best ever!
Vivian Germain: My most memorable Thanksgiving was in 1999. That was the year I moved here from Colombia and celebrated my first Thanksgiving.
Leslee Stewart: My most memorable Thanksgiving was spending the holiday in New York City with close friends and seeing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade in person. Definitely one of those "life lists" things!

What's your favorite way to prepare Thanksgiving leftovers?
Kristin Bonham:  Turkey sandwiches with cranberries on them.
Paige Eavenson: Making sandwiches out of the leftover turkey and ham.
Marilyn Hinders:
Turkey and rice casserole.
Alexandra Hoeneggar: A turkey sandwich.
Vivian Germain:
I don't have a special way. Sometimes my husband makes me a delicious turkey sandwich with them.
Leslee Stewart: Turkey pot pie.

Do you shop on Black Friday?
Kristin Bonham:  Sometimes...If my daughter, Abby, will go with me for comic relief.
Paige Eavenson: Yes.
Marilyn Hinders: No...no...no!
Alexandra Hoeneggar: Yes!
Vivian Germain:
Absolutely NOT, I can't imagine going shopping that early in the morning.
Leslee Stewart: No way. I value my sleep too much!

What are you thankful for?
Kristin Bonham:  Spending time with the ones I love.
Paige Eavenson: Living close to my parents and having family to celebrate with.
Marilyn Hinders: I am thankful for my amazing family and especially my husband, my children and my grandchildren!
Alexandra Hoeneggar: I am thankful for all God is doing in my life. He has blessed me with wonderful friends, family, mentors, and my church!
Vivian Germain: I am thankful for my husband and my children.
Leslee Stewart: I'm thankful for this time in my life, and the gift of being a wife and a mother.

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