In Everything

March 10, 2017

By Trudy Loots



Recently, I was on my way to a staff meeting. I had just dropped off my 2 month old with the babysitter and was now in a one on one conversation with my GPS about the best way to get to my destination. As I neared the location I was reminded that I needed to pray before I arrived, eyes open of course.... So, I prayed and asked God to guide my thoughts and speak through me to accomplish His will.


It was a real cute prayer. As I wrapped up my prayer it hit me like a brick: My relationship with God isn't based on my words to Him but rather His presence with me. I shouldn't rush to just chat with him and then go about my business but rather conduct my business with the mindset that he RSVP'd to the meeting as well. Jesus doesn't stay in my car until I'm done with my tasks.


I realized that I was missing the whole reality of God’s presence in my everyday tasks. I find myself getting stuck in thinking that God only attends church and small groups. I forget that He strongly desires that I involve Him in every detail, every moment of my life.


I am reminded that He is in the room… always! Because I am his daughter and have surrendered my life to Christ, I have received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  He is my teacher, advocate, and counselor.  He intercedes on my behalf to God the Father.  He leads and guides me as I do the tasks he puts before me.


I want to practice visualizing the Holy Spirit in every situation, at every challenge and every victory.  I know that God’s presence in my life is more than I can imagine. He wants me to be more aware that he is in the room with me all the time.


Can you imagine if we started to visualized him when we open that bill and the bank account is already drained? When we wake up feeling sore and run down? What if we visualized Him when the news channel features nothing but negativity or when social media feeds us with loneliness and lack?  What about when there is an argument with a close loved-one?  In those big decisions or when the kids are out of control?


What’s the situation that comes to your mind when you read that list? God wants us to know is presence in every moment. Let’s invite Him to be all of the things He promised He would be to us. Let's live aware of his presence and know that He is with us always.


“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”  Romans 8:26-27



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