I Am A Needy Woman

August 8, 2014

by Debbie Altman

So it’s Summer, and like me, you might have to pack a suitcase for a trip.  Well, I am a horrible packer.  Its always so hard to know what you are going to need, what the temperature will really be, what you will actually do, what you will feel like wearing, whether you will be bloated and need your “fat” jeans as well as your dressy tight jeans.  And you know that hat you bought to wear on vacation someday but never have? Well, you have to take that just in case, right?  And even if you never exercise, you have to bring your workout clothes because FOR SURE you will have free time on vacation to exercise. And of course us women have to pack the necessities-hair products, face products and our shoes!  So, you get the idea. All that great advice about traveling light and keeping it simple does not work for me when it comes to packing, no matter how hard I try.

And now that I’m older, there is a literal checklist of things I truly NEED to survive. Let's see...my vitamins, hormones, special pillow for neck, special brace for knee for hiking, ice pack for either one, small pillow for in-between my bony knees, prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses, lens wipes, wrinkle cream, 10x magnifying mirror...I truly can't leave home without them!! I come with a lot of baggage these days!  Any ladies out there that can relate?

When did I get so needy? Just the thought of it makes me laugh. I was always such a fiercely independent person.  Interestingly, before I was a Christian, one of the reasons I did not want Christ in my life, is because I heard He wanted control, and I didn’t feel I NEEDED anyone else to run my life.  I could handle it on my own, thank you very much.  Ha ha ha ha ha!  Girl was I wrong!  We think, as we get older, we will feel like we have it more together.  But I’ve found, as with my travel needs, the opposite is true.  The older I am and the more life I experience, the more I realize that I am a desperate and needy woman in want of a Savior!  I am in need of the Lord's mercy, grace, guidance and help. I need Him in my spirit, soul and body.  I need Him in my relationships, my finances, my career, and every part of my life.

So while I wish I could pack a suitcase a little lighter, I will rejoice in my need for Christ because in my need He has shown me His greatness and He has never let me down.  He has carried me and all my baggage. And the more “un-together” I feel, the more I experience His great love for me.

Whatever you are doing this Summer ladies, recognize your need for Jesus.  Lean upon Him, lay your burdens down at His feet.  Allow Him to wrap His big arms around you and fill your need.

“And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches…”
Phillipians 4:19



Debbie is the wife of Pastor Craig Altman, and together, they founded Grace Family Church 20 years ago.  She is a former RN and mother of a 30 year old married daughter, Dara, and 28 year old son, Brent.  She is also known as “Nona” to her 3 precious grandchildren-Sienna is 3 and the twins are 9 months! Debbie enjoys family, reading, the beach, and is inappropriately competitive at board games.


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