
November 13, 2020

By Nathalie Corniel


Isaiah 40:29-31

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youth grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


Recently I wrote and shared through a Beautiful Blog about how I measure my spiritual health – through rest! When I prioritize rest and live with margin I find my soul refilled. I’ve also found that prayer is an important component of rest. God wants me to come to Him in prayer and through prayer rest is found – a rest that is in and of Him. He is willing to give us what we need if we come to Him and ask. Mathew 7:7-11 Says, “What you seek you will find. You don't have because you don't ask.”


I have found when I don’t go to God in prayer I quickly become weary and tired. Today’s key scripture states, “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” My hope needs to be placed in God. He is the one who refills with hope and strength. Prayer reminds me that I am not in control, that I have a heavenly Father who is ready to listen. Prayer aligns my agenda and my will to His. God knows what I need when I need it, nothing takes him by surprise, and He WANTS me to speak with Him in prayer.

He is ready to provide every need and even the desires of our hearts. God is an intentional father who desires to be part of our daily routine and prayer reminds me that I do not walk this life alone. He is a constant friend and the things that burden me are also on His heart. Through my conversations with God I discover more of him and the areas of my life that need growth. He is alive and active, and through prayer I get to see where He is at work and join in!


What about you - what does your prayer life look like? How can we all be more intentional in our praying? Let’s carve out prayer time this week and be expectant to hear His promptings.

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