
May 12, 2023

Lisa Santelli, GFC Lutz

Proverbs 31: 28 “Her children arise and call her blessed.”

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a retailer inquiring if I would like to opt out of their Mother’s Day messages. This took me by surprise, but I thought it was very thoughtful knowing Mother’s Day can be hard for many. Not being able to have children of my own does hit a sensitive nerve, but I wouldn’t want to skip over this special day. Mostly, because I have amazing mothers in my life: my adopted mom, birth mom, and mother-in-law. They are all wonderful and generous mothers who deserve to be honored and blessed, not just on a designated day, but throughout the whole year.

As I’ve grown into the acceptance of what God has for me, my view of mothers and children has shifted. When I was 39, I was still holding on to the hope that I would conceive, but months before I turned 40, that dream was squashed. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and the most recommended form of treatment was a hysterectomy. The surgery came and went quickly, but it took a lot longer for my heart to heal. About a year after the surgery, I remember wrestling with God and lashed out, “You gave me this need to nurture, so You need to send me someone to nurture.” Those are the dangerous prayers that I believe God is waiting for us to ask, because little did I know what He had in mind.

Soon after, I started connecting to more women in my church who poured into and led me on a path of emotional and spiritual healing. As I strengthened, God started to send other women my way, but this time, I would start to nurture and share my faith with them. It became an exchange. Recently, God has been showing me that we are to be generational women. We often want to stay in our little circles, find a tribe with similar interests and like seasons, and we neglect to reach a hand up or a hand down. Our young ladies need women who have gone before them to encourage, support and listen to their struggles. They need women who are willing to share their stories and wise counsel. And, our seasoned women, who have battle scars and deep faith, need the younger generation to inspire, inquire and provide fresh insight. We need to close the generation gaps, lock arms and march forward in unity.

The concept of a spiritual mother or godmother is not new but is often overlooked. I believe whether you are a natural mother, a grandmother, empty-nester, waiting to nest or weren’t able to have your own littles, we are all made to be spiritual mamas and spiritual daughters. We each have something to give which equates to a beautiful exchange.

Proverbs 31 describes this most radiant woman. She is strong and mighty. Wealthy and wise. Entrusted and pure. Generous and bright. Joyous and fearless. How can we truly strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman without generational women cheering us on? In verse 28 of that same chapter is a reminder that when we sow into others, when we move with generational intent, the blessing is released, “And her children will rise up and call her blessed.” This blessing is not saved only for blood relatives. This is for all the mothers who are lovingly and generously pouring into the next generation.

Can I give you a challenge this week? Will you ask God to show you someone to reach out to? A beautiful lady outside of your generation or season? Someone you could either use encouragement from, or maybe it’s someone you could start to cheer on. Get together for coffee. Ask how you can pray for each other. Then, see what God will do!

Prayer: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May You feel Jesus’ face shining radiantly on you and it give you so much peace. No matter what struggles you are walking through or what season you are in, I pray God sends women across your path that will encourage, strengthen and refresh your faith, giving you a brighter hope for all He has for you. May your heart be stirred to the generations before and behind you, that you lean in and be reminded that you are made for such a time as this. May God’s abundant blessings be poured out on you and you feel His Goodness in tangible ways. I declare all in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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