Fun Friday: 10 Ways to Save

February 17, 2012

For the first part of February, A Beautiful Blog brought you stories on love in our series, "Love & Money." Now we're shifting our focus to money. Today's post is from our queen of saving green, Kim Wiezycki.

By Kim Wiezycki

Welcome to "Lifestyles of the Fun and Frugal!" Here are my top 10 ways to save, starting today. My friends and I use these tips to pay down debt, save money, and be able to give. Start a few of them today and make a plan for the money you save!


  1. Quit buying costly disposable items and replace with re-usable items. Paper towels average $1.99/roll—that’s $95.00/year!  Instead, buy a pack of washcloths for $5.00/pack and use for cleaning up messes for several years! Just throw in the laundry!

  2. Make your own laundry detergent.  Average cost per load with store bought generic brand is 25-35 cents/load. Homemade detergent costs about 2 cents/load. That’s a savings of over $100/year! Google “Duggar laundry detergent recipe”.

  3. Take in a boarder to help with your rent. Many Christian college students or exchange students need a home and their rent can go toward your bills!

  4. Use glass pasta jars and jelly jars to store leftovers, stocks and broths, and household items like pens and paper clips instead of buying plastic containers. Just rinse and reuse!

  5. Drink water at restaurants. Average cost of a soda is $2.00. If a family of 4 eats out 5 times a month that is $40.00/month or $480 in soda or tea a year!

  6. Buy used and refurbished items! Even an iPod, Kindle, and computers can be purchased refurbished direct from the company with all warranties as if you bought it new. No need to pay full price!

  7. Pack school lunches. Average school lunch is $4.25. A homemade sandwich or leftovers in a thermos, fresh fruit or vegetable, water in a reusable bottle, nuts or cheese, and a cookie can cost as little as $1.00/meal. Pack a cloth napkin and metal or washable plastic fork, too!

  8. Learn WHEN and HOW to use coupons to get the best deals. Websites like The Grocery Game and Coupon Mom tell you when to pair a coupon with a buy-one-get-one-free deal or other rock bottom price deal. You really can cut your grocery bill steeply!

  9. Join or start an organic produce co-op in your area. Save money while supporting local farms and businesses and eliminating the grocery store’s marked up prices.

  10. Make homemade cleansers like baking soda and Dawn dish detergent scrubs for glass cooktops, lemon juice or white vinegar and water for soaking whites and cleaning table tops. Only pennies per week!

Kim has been married to Larry Wiezycki for 16 years and they have two boys, ages 9 and 11. When Kim isn't in church, she can be found teaching curly girls how to take care of their hair, spending way too much time on Facebook or reading real books, and running a 5k here and there.

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