From Buddhist to Beautiful

August 21, 2012

by Evelyn Ayala

My daughter, Monique, invited me many times to attend service at Grace Family Church but because I was practicing Buddhism I would decline.  However, three months before New Year’s Eve, I felt a strong calling to get to know God.

I told Monique that I wanted to start going to church. She wanted to know what was wrong, and I told her I felt like I was going through the motions but not really connecting with the Buddhist practice anymore. I later found out that my other daughter, Veronica, had started the Daniel 21 day fast, and on day 3 she was specifically praying for my salvation. On that same day my husband called to tell her that I was going to start attending church services.

I started attending Grace Family in January 2012 and in February, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  In April, I realized that what I really needed was a Bible study group, so I started attending Beautiful Monday Nights.   

Attending the Monday night Bible study group allowed me to meet other ladies. I found myself looking forward to the worship songs and the funny and inspirational speakers each week. I also began reading the Bible for the first time. After a while, I noticed that there was a void filled in my heart that I did not know I had. Now, I look forward to attending Beautiful Monday nights again this fall.

Based on my experience, I encourage others not to give up on those that are lost and who seem resistant to coming to the cross.


On Monday, Aug. 27 at 7 p.m., we will kick off a new season of Beautiful small groups. Join us that night in the GFC lobby for food and fellowship. You'll have an opportunity to hear about all the women's small groups available this fall and find the one that's just right for you.

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