Freedom from Depression

March 15, 2013

by Dani Catherine

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

At this very second, you may be discouraged about your life and feel like you’re in a dark place. Life may seem like nothing is going right or like nothing is in your favor. Maybe you’re saying “I don’t even love myself…so why would anybody else love or care for me?” Or maybe you’re asking the questions, “God, what am I doing to deserve this? Will I ever get out of this storm?”

I know that feeling and those thoughts, because I have been there. I suffered from depression for a countless number of years and have fought tooth and nail to come out the other end. It was hard, embarrassing, and unbearable at times; some days I didn’t get out of bed, I didn’t want to eat and I couldn’t find a reason to smile. Depression soon became my identity. That coupled with society’s label of depression and mental health issues, I was convinced I had no chance of coming out the other end alive. But in the midst of my despair, doubt, sadness, and hopelessness, I knew that Jesus Christ had another view of life to offer me; a BEAUTIFUL life.

The only person that could give me more light and love than any dark place could absorb, was Jesus.

There was no way I was letting the enemy win. I started to speak scripture over my depression (as well as seek counseling from a professional and others around me) and stood upon the reality of God’s word. I kept reminding myself that all things were working together for my good! I started to accept my circumstances and realized that God had not forsaken me, and that the storm I was going through would glorify God in the end.  In Philippians 4:4 it says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say REJOICE! That was the scripture I carried with me (and still do to this day). I thought the answer was running from my circumstances and withdrawing from life, but God’s word says it…RISE ABOVE WITH PRAISE!

I am here to tell you WILL get through this storm and gain freedom! God will not leave you where you are. Rejoice in your suffering and sadness, know that you have a Savior that died for you so that you could live a beautiful life. Also, don’t be embarrassed to talk about it to others or a counselor; seek help and guidance. God doesn’t want you going through this storm alone – press into Him! He is there and has always been there. He wants you to cast your burdens on Him! I have faith that the Lord is using each of your storms for His good and there is light ahead of your darkness! Keep having faith and know that you are NOT alone!


Dani Catherine loves to bake, paint, snap photos and spend time with her loved ones. Dani enjoys leading a table at Beautiful Monday nights and loves to volunteer as much as she can at Grace Family Church.

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