
August 26, 2016

By Xio Rivera

FightEarly this summer I was feeling defeated, exhausted and vulnerable. I was feeling spiritually unarmed. The enemy managed to wrap me up in a tail spin of busy work where I barely had any dedicated quiet prayer and devotion time. One day led to another and before I knew it I felt confused, disorganized and irritated.


Thankfully, I was invited to participate in a Summer Group studying Priscilla Shirer’s The Armor of God.  I wrestled with, “I just don’t have time” and I am so thankful to God for knowing what I needed and when. I am grateful to my Sister in Christ for inviting me and opening her home to facilitate the study.


I was reminded of how I am to put on the full Armor of God so that I can stand against the devil’s schemes. That my fight starts with arming myself, my children, and family. I began making my prayer time and fellowship with like-minded people a priority.



I completed the study feeling fully armed but God let me know he was not finished with me. I was led to a devotion and quiet prayer journey with Him and my accountability Sisters in Christ.


During this time, I was able to hear him so clearly as he led me to clean house from the inside out. God cleansed me of baggage that I had been carrying around for too long. He had me release anger, unforgiveness and bitterness toward myself and others.  At the time, I did not realize fully how much this was a lesson of obedience.


“But if you carefully obey His voice and do all I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.” Exodus 23:22 


I have grown so much but I know God is not done with me. He is preparing me for more. He is strategically placing me in the right mindset and molding me into the prepared woman I am meant to be.  He has put me on a path to be ready.  I will not be saying, “but first let me” or “I wish I was ready.” I will be saying I am armed, I am ready and I am focused! Where do you want me God?


“I have chosen the way of faithfulness; I have set my heart on your laws.”
Psalms 119:30


What are you fighting for? How is God preparing you? My prayer is that you do not find yourself in the shoes I was in earlier this summer and that you have sisters around you to hold you up and encourage you along the way.


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