Fearlessly Bold

July 14, 2017

By Stephanie Haile



It seems like every time I go to exercise at least one person has an ailment that they want to discuss with me. I really don't mind talking with people about what body part hurts this week, but sometimes the situations seem so helpless and I wish I could do something.


For example, recently, a friend at exercise class said her shoulder is preventing her from doing her normal routine. It had popped out of socket and you could see the pain in her face as she tried to lift her arm. I was moved with compassion and felt led to pray for her right then and there… but I didn’t. I said, “Awe, bless your heart.” Then I went about my day.


Later on, I felt God ask, “Do you really believe I can do anything?” Well, yes God, I believe You can get me a good parking spot at Walmart, I believe You can take care of the orphans and widows all around the world. I believe You will help me get through a day of cleaning and cooking and wiping and griping, etc. Yep God, I believe!


As you know, when God does not hear the answer He wants from us, and we have not fully learned the lesson, He asks us again.  At that point Philippians 4:13 was brought to my mind. “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”


Did I not pray for this sweet friend because I felt like God couldn't do it? Was I afraid God would let her down? If the Bible says I can do ALL THINGS, why don't I believe that. If God is really living in me, why do I just trust God with little behind the scenes work, instead of major awesome events that could change the world.


I am sure the first time one of the disciples prayed for someone to be healed, in the back of his mind he thought, “Man I hope this works, 'cause I just told this guy to stand and walk. If God doesn't do something, these people watching are going to run me out of town!”


I see this journey like a baby bird in the nest. The only way that bird will ever enter into its full potential is to jump off its cozy, safe nest and fly. Yes, it does risk the chance of not flying and hitting the ground, but with God, He is always there to catch us!


I believe God wants us to be fearlessly bold! Will you be bold today?

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