Fearless Defense

June 16, 2017

By Lisa Crumbley



I love how God is always inviting us to know Him more personally.  It amazes me the ways He reveals Himself and that He can use any and all circumstances to do that.


My current circumstance is that I have been deeply hurt by a family member who has engaged me in a horrendous legal battle. I have been verbally attacked and have spent a small fortune defending these untruths. I have cried out to God. I have sought truth. And yet, here we are in this terribly hurtful situation that has the potential to bring all sorts of anger and fear in my life.


Without God, I would be going bananas! The “Old Lisa” would have possessed an unforgiving spirit as well as harbored bitterness, anger, and resentment. I am embarrassed to admit that this church going, Bible study teaching, Christian woman, would have also really been revengeful. But, as I have grown in my faith, the “New Lisa”, has chosen a different path… and the peace that I have is worth the choice!


I choose to rise above the situation, turn to God and realize that I cannot change the other person. The only thing I have control over is how I react to the lies being thrown my way. If I rise above it, I can pray for the opposition as I realize that he is in control of his choices. I have come to realize that my trials have brought me closer to my Savior who is eager to show me what He wants to teach me in this situation.


As I was in His Word pondering the “why”, God revealed to me all the ways he has my back! In fact, I almost ran out of yellow highlighter as I underlined all His names! He told me he was my Defender, Deliverer, Fortress, Strength, Refuge, Advocate, and Comforter. Only He can stop me from going “BANANAS” and fill me with peace in the middle of this awful fire storm.


I then had another revelation. What I am about to share might not be quite a revelation to you, but some sort-of-a light bulb went off for me. All the different names for our ONE TRUE GOD covers all our vast emotional needs. I am excited to continue my personal discovery of the innumerable names of God as it helps me to know Him on a more personal level.


God is Healer, Good Shepherd, Alpha and Omega, Rock, Bridegroom, Strong Tower, Creator, Teacher, Merciful, Counselor, Jehovah-Jireh, and Shelter. Which name for our ONE TRUE GOD are you relating to right now and why?

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