Fear vs Faith

November 9, 2012

by Terri Owens Blanchard


I was absolutely certain that given the slightest opportunity, the boogey man would grab my leg from under the bed and drag me into the deep dark abyss where I would never see my parents again. After turning off the light at bedtime, I’d quickly run and jump into bed and hide under the covers scared to death. Instead of sleeping peacefully, I allowed my fear to torment me. As a child, I was so overwhelmed by my irrational fear of the boogey man that I had lost sight of the reality that the boogey man was only a figment of my imagination!

Fear vs. Faith

Sometimes, our perceived fears can cause us to think and behave illogically. Consequently, this can prevent us from experiencing a fulfilling reality. For instance, a fear of heights could cause me to avoid a high-rise building. But it is only by going to the top of the building that would allow me to catch the glimpse of the sunrise over the city that could take my breath away. If I allow my fear to control my behavior then I could miss out on something spectacular.  

In the same way, we often allow our fears to keep us from God’s best for us. Had shepherd boy David succumb to a fear of giants, he never would have defeated Goliath and later become a king. David replaced a fear of giants with faith -- he knew that the battle belonged to the Lord. Likewise, our fear must be replaced by faith.


God does not want us to live in fear. In fact, the Bible tells us 365 times not to fear! Every single day we are to have faith not fear. We can override our fear with faith. One way to do that is to find a scripture verse that speaks to our fear. For example:

  •  The scripture I memorized, spoke repeatedly, and wrote all over my house when my husband was deployed to Iraq was Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

  • When I have to do something that I am afraid to do (like public speaking, ugh!) I rehearse Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

  • These days when I have a hard time sleeping, I read Psalm 4:8, “In peace, I will both lie down and sleep, for you O Lord will keep me safe.”

I encourage you to identify your fear and find a scripture verse for it. Decide to walk in faith and not fear. Realize how God can work in your life when you don’t let fear stand in the way. Determine to enjoy all that God has for you! 

Feel free to share what fear you have and what verse helps you. That verse may help someone else also.

Terri Owens Blanchard is very happily married to John Blanchard. She is also a mother, a Mimi to her granddaughter, a Mary Kay Consultant, a small group leader to the Military Wives group, and an assistant small group coach. She loves to shop, travel, and shop as she travels! She also enjoys spending time with family, friends and her crazy pets. She can be reached at t.blanchard1@yahoo.com. 

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