Faith Trumps Logic

December 11, 2015

By Mary Giraldo


About a year ago I read a devotional that referenced three little words that spoke volumes to me, “Faith trumps logic”. The term trump is used in card games; it refers to a suit that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand.

Logic is defined as a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something, sound reasoning.So in other words, faith outranks rational thinking.

As I reflected on the meaning behind this, I was reminded of the many times I’ve seen this played out in my life; the moments when faith won over logic. We read about this very thing in the Bible over and over. Moses stood before the Red Sea with thousands of Israelites behind him, the Egyptians hot on their

I can picture in my mind the trembling and fear that overtook those who looked out over the vast sea.
Moses probably stood and endlessly repeated in his mind the many promises that God had already spoken to him. As the Israelites berated him with words of scorn and regret for following him, Moses cries out,

“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today…the Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Exodus 14:13-14)

 Moses raises his staff and God parts the sea allowing them to safely cross. Logically, seas do not part and you most certainly don’t walk across and remain dry. At that moment, faith was all Moses had to work with.

Nine years ago I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and for nine years I have taken a daily medication administered by syringe. Year after year I would go for MRI’s to see where I was with the progression of this disease. Every year we would talk about the damage that was occurring, but in my mind I stood firm in faith knowing that God was ultimately in control.

I have often told others that I knew one day God would heal me, even if that meant when I was face to face with Jesus. After many years of injections my body was tired of the daily routine, my skin was starting to harden at injection sites and it was getting harder and harder to administer the shots. I began to intentionally pray about an alternative.

Many people have said that those with MS can manage symptoms or even be healed if you just change your diet. As a person with MS, I was always bothered by the simplicity offered behind this idea; why do so many people continue to battle this disease if it were that easy? After 9 years I was finally ready to step out in faith and trust God with the outcome. Logically, this method of treatment does not always work; but faith gives me confidence in what I hope for and assurance about what I do not see (Hebrews 11:1).

It has been five months since my last injection and every morning my feet are able to feel every fiber of the carpet bedside my bed, I praise God; when I catch a glimpse of alcohol wipes or empty sharps containers, I can’t help but smile and praise God.

Logic told me this is just the “cards that I’ve been dealt” and I’ll need to deal with it the best I can, but if we’re talking in card terminology, I am reminded that faith trumps logic.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God." Mark 10:27

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