Faith In Gods Ability To Heal

September 24, 2013

by Renee Scott

In 1996 my dad was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.  It was the most devastating news that I ever received in my 23 years of living.  What in the world were we supposed to do with the news that my dad might not live to see me or his grandkids grow up?  I always believed that God was a healer, but this experience would force me to know it beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Days after the diagnosis, we were learning more than we ever wanted to know about forthcoming cancer treatments, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.  I remember hearing the doctor tell us the prognosis wasn’t good.  Very little could be accomplished medically outside of chemotherapy and radiation.  Seeing my mom boldly ask God for ten more years with my daddy was one of the most difficult moments of the journey.  Despite the dim news, we were going to believe God for supernatural healing.  We didn’t want to know how long he had to live, we just wanted to trust God and fight the spiritual battle that was placed before us. 

My mom was a wonderful warrior.  There were times that my faith wavered but it seemed like hers never did.  She recorded herself reading scriptures that she played in the house day and night.  Every healing scripture that she could find was recorded on that cassette tape.  She anointed every door and window with oil so that the peace and healing power of God would saturate every crevice of her home.  She took to heart Ephesians 6:12 (NIV), “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  She knew the battle they were fighting was spiritual and they would use every strategy and tactic afforded to us through Christ Jesus.

God showed us His healing ability throughout our seven year journey with dad.  It wasn’t easy.  There were battle wounds he would have to endure until the day he died but we kept the faith.  When God decided to transition daddy, in April of 2003, I was mad.  I didn’t care that my dad lived seven years with stage 4 cancer (which was a miracle that only God could perform).  All I knew that he was gone and he wasn’t coming back in his physical form anymore.  My heart ached for weeks after his death.  How could God not do more?  We prayed, fasted, believed, and praised.  We were owed this because of our diligence to His word. 

I lost faith in God’s ability to heal (at least the way I wanted him to heal).

Despite my hurt and frustration, I found a way to move beyond the moment and dig into God’s word.  A great friend of our family reminded me one night over dinner that my daddy was healed. 

Divine healing was God’s desire for him. 

I realized over time that when I prayed for healing, I couldn’t then dictate to a sovereign God how he would manifest it in my father’s life.  That simple statement of words gave me a second chance at faith in God’s ability to heal.  I felt like I could breathe deeply again.  I still had my moments of grief but I was able to move through them and not stay stuck. 

If you find yourself being recently diagnosed or loving someone with cancer, just know that God is with you.  I know it sounds cliché but it’s so true.  No matter what process you have to take to move through your journey, God knows the end and He has equipped you for victory.  I am fully confident that I wouldn’t be the woman of God I am today had it not been for the experience with my dad.  Thank God for my second chance at faith!

We would love to hear about your second chance at faith in healing.  Leave a comment below and bless someone during their healing journey.

Renee ScottRenee Scott is co-founder of the popular blog, where she shares encouragement and inspiration to men and women all over the world.  She’s been a member of Grace Family Church for four years. She loves to run and recently completed her first half marathon. She is a wife of over 14 years and mother of two children.

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