July 9, 2021

Guest Blogger - Roslyn Rice, Devotional Author of "The Power of One" (She's also our friend Renee Scott's twin sister)

You Are Enough! Those are not words we normally hear as women. You Are Enough.

We can spend countless hours wondering if we are enough. Are we equipped as educators to teach our students? Are we enough to handle motherhood? Are we doing enough to be promoted at work? Will our parents see that we are enough? Are we saving enough? Are our kids involved in enough activities? Am I smart enough? Will I survive financially after retirement? Will I be captivating enough for him to stay? Am I spiritual enough? Am I doing enough to bake this casserole correctly...ugh!

You Are Enough.

The messages we tell ourselves often go in the opposite direction of being enough. We coddle self defeating thoughts in our mind. We nurture negative thoughts from childhood. Those thoughts form our identity as we become adults. We sometimes struggle to see the full value we provide in our world (our sphere of influence). We are instantly distracted by a negative news story or even the last text from a friend. We don’t always have people around us telling us that we are enough. Whatever you are facing today I want to provide this gentle reminder.

You Are Enough.

David was a young king. People judged him based on his appearance (has that ever happened to you?). They judged his capabilities and capacity based on how he looked. Did the scrawny yet handsome shepherd boy have enough to defeat Goliath?

Do you realize that within 7 seconds of meeting someone they make 11 judgements about you? Judgments possibly about if you are enough. I again repeat.

You Are Enough.

David had a spirit of confidence and boldness. He knew that he was enough. Not because of what he did but because of who he served. God almighty had confirmed within him that he was enough. David knew he was equipped to battle. He knew he was equipped to fight giants in his life. He possessed a Godly wisdom that was incredibly precious & effective.

You Are Enough.

Today you are equipped for whatever fight you face. The fight, trial, obstacle, annoyances wouldn’t be there if you weren’t equipped. Be fearless sister. Walk with boldness. God is with you. Every obstacle faced in this life is finished and was nailed on the cross. God is for you. Jesus took care of it. Because of this you fight NOT to receive victory. You are fighting from a place OF victory. Sister you are victorious (Romans 8:37). Today I send you a squishy hug and the declaration that:

You Are Enough.

Hebrews 13:21 NLT

May He equip you with all you need for doing His will. May He produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him. All glory to Him forever and ever! Amen.”

*Excerpt from Power Of One, chapter entitled “EQUIPPED”.

BIO - Roslyn has a global mission to inspire the world. She has provided inspiration with decades of blogging, mentoring and public speaking. Roslyn is best selling author of, Power Of One: Finding Hope In The Midst Of Struggle. It’s a 40 day devotional that focuses on one word. At the end of every chapter, Roslyn shares a passage of scripture, question, and prayer to jumpstart application of the word in your daily life. She is Co-Founder DPI, LLC a business management firm focusing on small business consulting and inclusion solutions for organizations. She coauthors the blog, Double Portion Inspiration, with her identical twin sister (Renee Scott).

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