Depend on Me

January 25, 2013

by Dani Catherine

About 8 months ago, I kept hearing God tell me, "Depend on ME, more!" I said to God, "But, I do depend on you." I prayed every day for a few weeks and asked God to show me how I could depend on Him more.

1 Corinthians 10:13 and Ezra 8:23 were on my heart.

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, it says, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." And in Ezra 8:23 it says;, "So, we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer."

I knew God was calling me to fast and to become more dependent on Him.

I fasted – only ate vegetables and drank water – and prayed for 21 days. I prayed circles around my life. I made a list of what I was praying for; spiritual growth, for loved ones who needed that seed planted, how I could serve God’s kingdom…and I prayed for a Godly man. I prayed circles around my heart and kept praying for a Godly man. Throughout my fast I felt myself getting weaker physically but growing stronger spiritually. I was tempted to eat things I shouldn't and was more open to the enemy because I felt weak, but I knew God was faithful. I saw God moving in so many ways. Doors were opening that I probably wouldn't have seen if I wasn't knee-deep in prayer and His word, or if I was depending on myself rather than God.

My prayers were answered, not right away, but they were answered – in God’s timing. I remember praying, "God show me where you can use me to serve You and Your kingdom." That prayer led me to the opportunity of serving as a table leader at Beautiful on Monday nights. At leader training, I met Becca, an amazing woman of God who has became a dear friend. And through Becca, I met Daniel, the Godly man I was praying for.

As I look back, what I fasted for was not only to depend on God fully and to have a constant craving for Him, just as my body craves food, but also to learn patience with not only myself, but with God. I would often find myself getting frustrated when prayers weren't answered right away. But through that fast, God showed me to be patient with Him and reminded me that He is never early or never late...He is always on time. I am thankful for that fast and how God took my prayers and turned them into lessons; I finally learned to be patient. If you're praying, and you feel like God isn't answering you, especially right away, remember this: Patience is having faith in Gods timing.


Dani Catherine is a social worker by trade. She loves to bake, paint, snap photos and spend time with her loved ones. Dani enjoys leading a table at Beautiful Monday nights and loves to volunteer as much as she can at Grace Family Church.


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