Cultivate God-Confidence

July 10, 2015

By Wanda Grimsley


While the freedom of summer can be such a beautiful, much-needed thing, I am amazed at how quickly life can go off the rails once we get out of our routines. Having everyone at home, all in and undoing everything, activities that run way too long – you know what I’m talking about.  Making too many commitments one week and too much leisure time the next. If I’m not careful, I can fall into sacrificing my time with the Lord. It quickly becomes a slippery slope that leaves me feeling all messy.


God has led me to this verse repeatedly this summer. It continues to resonate with me as these weeks fly by.

I Corinthians 10:12 “Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”

 The Message version says “Don't be so naive and self-confident. You're not exempt. You could fall flat on your face as easily as anyone else. Forget about self-confidence, it's useless. Cultivate God-confidence.” 



This specific verse serves to put me on notice…acknowledging again that yes, I have been delivered and justified by God; He has set me free and changed me in the deepest part of my being. This does not make me immune to getting caught up or slacking off... I have to be intentional about going after the things of God and spending time with Him or I, too, will begin to rely on myself and fall flat on my face.


I've heard it said that if we're not growing spiritually, we are losing ground. That is so true, right? There is no standing still...the enemy would have us think there is, but there just isn't. Think of it as a treadmill, as long as we are keeping pace, walking out our walk, pressing forward through the things God places or allows in our lives, we are growing, getting better, stronger, all things working for our good as we move closer to God’s will for our lives.


On the other hand, the second we stop moving forward on the treadmill, we begin to slide backwards, and what happens next? The fall, the pain, the mud and mire. We can be numbed into a false sense of security that allows us to think we can revisit our relationship with God when normalcy returns in late August.


So I pray I Corinthians 10:12 will encourage you.  Don’t be deceived and think that you’ve arrived. Keep first things first, remain watchful and be intentional about cultivating your confidence in the Lord.  Find connections or resources that will stretch, grow you, and hold you accountable. Reach out to others from small groups you’ve enjoyed in the past if necessary. Make time - carve it out - get into your Bible, spend time with God and listen for His voice.

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