Comfort in Crisis

September 22, 2017

By Terri Blanchard



Busy lives and hectic schedules seem to be the norm. There are tasks that insist on an immediate action and people who required a response from us yesterday. Emails, texts, appointments, and meetings, all vie for our attention. And when we just can’t fit one more thing into our already hectic schedules something happens that demands all of our focus and everything else comes to a screeching halt. Crisis comes uninvited.


Recently, I encountered several such critical situations. We grieved an unexpected loss. We moved. My husband was in a car accident then a motorcycle accident. He changed jobs and went overseas. We experienced injuries and illnesses. There was financial strain and marriage tension. In the span of five months time we went through seven of the top ten most stressful life events. It was a stressful season.


I wish I could say I handled it well but I did not. There were days I found myself sitting with my hands over my face sobbing and asking, “God, where are you?”.  But there was no response, nothing, just silence. The only thing I could hear was the sound of me crying. But I really did not want to hear what He had to say anyway. I was too busy having my own poor me pity party instead. And I admit I was a bit angry. Instead of running to Him, I turned from Him.


Eventually, I collapsed. I was physically exhausted and emotionally depleted.  So I prayed again, this time with less anger and more willingness to hear a response. “God, where are you?”. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and waited.


Listening for His voice lead me to His Word.


The verse, “Be still and know that I am God” came to my mind (Psalms 46:10a). “Be still?”. I had not been still in His presence for far too long. “…and know that I am God”. I needed to be reminded that although my life felt out of control, He was still in control.


I dusted off my Bible and opened to the Psalms (my ‘go to’ book during tough times). There I found,“Those who dwell in the secret place of the most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). I realized I had not dwelled or abided with Him like I used too.


I knew what I needed to do.  I made time again to be still with Him and to dwell in His Word each day. I found that each day a new verse would give me new strength. Strength enough for where I was that day.


Crisis may not be avoidable but surviving it is attainable. It may not feel like it at the time but I know it to be true. Spending time with God by praying and reading scripture was the comfort I found in my time of crisis.


What verses do you find helpful in times of crisis? Feel free to share ones that others may find helpful too.

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