Choose Beautiful

September 1, 2017

By Kristin Bonham


Beautiful Girls Night Out was this past Monday night and it was amazing to see so many ladies come out! We had a fun night with Paige and Ashley opening with The Pew. Our theme this year is Choose Beautiful and the message was all over the room via our section leaders!


Hearing 1000 women worship Jesus together is something I look forward to and honestly, it wrecks me! What a Beautiful name it is, Jesus! I love that we get to come together for just a few hours and be encouraged and receive.



The dilemma came as we arrived and we were choosing which door to walk through, Average or Beautiful. How do we see ourselves? What do we believe about ourselves? Suzanna Garcia gave a powerful message of believing in the Beautiful in our lives starting with the Beauty of finding Jesus. She was vulnerable and funny and challenging.



I don't know why I'm so surprised at what happens when we have a Panel Discussion at our events! I think it's because they are not scripted, these ladies have said yes to something that is not comfortable for most of them, and God exceeds any expectations I could ever have. This panel was my favorite! (They are all my favorite until the next one  ;-) )



Chrissy, Deborah, Becca, Sharon, Toni, Natalie, Indera and Sharon... Wow! The messages that were delivered through their vulnerability are things that will stay with me. Each one coming from their life experience brought the message of Choose Beautiful to life.


If you are not connected to a group of women, you can get involved at your campus by going to Beautiful Monday Nights! Every campus is launching on Monday, September 11th with the exception of South Tampa. They are meeting once a month and launched 2 weeks ago with 140 women!

Beautiful Moms meets on the Van Dyke campus twice a month starting Thursday, September 7th at 10:00 AM. If you are looking for a daytime connection, come to the Van Dyke campus for Beautiful Tuesday Mornings starting September 5th at 9:30 AM.


We have lots of opportunities to connect to a Group and you can see them all at


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