Because of God

April 19, 2024

 By Michele Laccabue 

“BUT his bow remained steady, his strong arm stayed limber, BECAUSE of the hand of the Mighty One of Jacob, BECAUSE of the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel, BECAUSE of your father’s God, who helps you, BECAUSE of the Almighty, who blesses you with BLESSINGS of the skies above, BLESSINGS of the deep streams below, BLESSINGS of the breast and womb.” Genesis 49:24-25 NIV

Recently, our Beautiful Bible reading plan landed us in Genesis chapter 49. If it had not been my mission to choose a verse to SOAR (Scripture, Observation, Application, Reflection), I may not have lingered long enough to experience the profound impact verses 24 and 25 had on me. The first thing that I noticed was the repeated phrase – “BECAUSE of”. Each time it was used, a name of God was mentioned: Mighty One, Shepherd, Rock, God, Almighty. What a wonderful reminder that “BECAUSE of” our Mighty God, our Shepherd, our Almighty Rock, we remain steady and strong.

For a little context, in this Old Testament chapter, Jacob, advanced in years, has gathered his 12 sons around his deathbed to speak final words of blessings and prophecies over each one of their lives. Verses 24 and 25 are specifically for Joseph. Even though Joseph was tragically sold into slavery by his brothers many years prior, his life ended up much different than anyone expected.

There is a significant “BUT” in the narrative. A little word that changes everything. It tells us the reality of God’s hand on Joseph’s life in contrast to what it could have been. Instead of death or a broken life of despair, Joseph prospered and rose into a powerful leadership position. Instead of deep resentment and unforgiveness for his family, Joseph chose to love and help them.   

Family dysfunction….I haven’t met a family that hasn’t experienced it. I’m sure we all have a story to tell. For me, my childhood family is fractured. Years of harsh words, mental illness, unhealthy dialogue, confusing “truths”, and misunderstandings have led to non-existent relationships. It's sad. It's unfortunate. It hurts my heart.  


Because of God … life can be different.

Because of God … restoration is possible.

Because of God … hope remains.

Because of God … strength and steadiness are available.

Because of God … generational cycles of dysfunction can be broken.

Because of God … His blessings are abundant [BLESSINGS - the 3rd repeated B-word, v25]

Oh, the beauty of God’s blessings. My husband and I have experienced so many of God’s blessings in raising our two sons. God used the hardships of our past family dysfunctions to grow our faith and show us another way, His way. And now, our family is enjoying fruitful living and the joys of creating a new legacy.  

Our God is a God of “but, because, and blessing”. We can do great things because of His strength, His power, His provision, and His plan working in and through us.  

Lean in. Live within His care, His prophecy, His blessing. 

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