Beautiful Online Bible Study

November 18, 2014

By Kristin Bonham


I don’t know about you, but for me, the month of December is filled with busyness and celebrations and sometimes… stress! It can be challenging to stay focused on the true meaning of Christmas until I show up at church on Christmas Eve. Sure, I have the Christmas Story books on my coffee table and the Nativity scene under my tree, but even now, in November, I’m thinking about what gifts to get my grown children, their spouses, my parents, my brother. I need a reset!

This year Beautiful is doing something new! We are creating an Online Bible Study that will help us stay focused on the Birth of Jesus and the hope that comes from experiencing a personal relationship with God.

BibleStudy Graphic

Our desire is that you find encouragement, accountability and community in this forum and that you’ll be inspired to keep going in the New Year.  When the study is over, we’ll take a short break and start a new three-week study in January before our Beautiful Small Groups start on all campuses for our spring semester.

Here’s how it works:

  • Fill out the form below with your name and email address.

  • We’ll send you the link to join the Beautiful Bible Study closed Facebook group.

  • Join the group! Only those who are in the group will see the posts.

  • We will post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting December 1st and ending December 24th.  (That’s 11 posts.)

  • Read the Bible passage for that day and comment in the Facebook group.  There will be a focus for the passage and questions to get you thinking.

  • If you miss a day, it’s okay! You can post on that passage whenever you have a chance to read it.

Encourage the ladies you know to join and invite friends and family. We are excited about getting to know the Word of God better and encouraging each other along the way!

Luke 2:30-32 "I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people.  He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!"

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