Beautiful Moms

September 5, 2014

by Tammy Berard

Wow, what an amazing way to start the Beautiful Moms 2014 season! We had over 90 women in attendance. The tables were full and the food was overflowing. As was the excitement and the laughter. The Waters campus had their own table- it was awesome seeing another campus come together with us! I am so in awe of how God orchestrates our lives.  As leaders, we plan and prepare and most of all pray but God brings the people! He showed up and showed out with the fun dynamic group He brought this year. Over 1/3 of our group is brand new to the Beautiful Moms ministry.  So cool! We had a great time getting to know the other ladies at our tables, laughing at funny videos and even had a little purse game competition. But most of all, we had adult time without kids. That is priceless to Moms!

BeautifulMoms2014_FBThere are almost 20 leaders that make Beautiful Moms run smoothly and I love serving with each and every one of them.
I am so grateful to Kristin Bonham and her vision for the women at Grace. I know for sure that our women’s ministry is one of the best there is! But most of all I am grateful for a church that values its mothers so much that it would provide a childcare program so we can meet. What church does that? Seriously – Awesome!

Our next meeting is Sept. 18th and we will have our own anointed, Misty Umhotlz, speaking on Unglued. Who as a Mom can’t relate to coming unglued every now and then (or every day!)?  So if you are a Mom who is free on Thursday mornings and you want to fellowship and grow with other Moms, come check us out Sept. 18th at 10:00am in the church lobby. Then again, we may have to move to a bigger location!

Grace Moms Rock!



Tammy has been married to her college sweetheart, Raymond Berard, for 17 years. They have three children ages 12, 6 and 3. Tammy is a previous teacher and school administrator who now enjoys being the keeper of the schedule for her busy family. She is also the current leader of Beautiful Moms and hosts a small group for Married Life. She loves to shop, cook, dance and cheer on her Gators!

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