As For Me and My House

April 21, 2023

Sheri Prescott, GFC South Tampa

I remember when a new friend invited a few homeschool moms over for an evening get together. As military wives, we were all “new in town”. I walked through her front door to the smell of sweet homemade treats set out on her kitchen table, warm candles glowing, and fruity tea ready to be enjoyed. My friend’s kindness settled my heart into the peaceful surroundings of her home.

 Jesus was there.

 May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." ~ Psalm 122:7

 In a world of glaring lights, loud music, obnoxious commercials, constant adds, and fast-paced everything, one of my continual prayers has been, “Father, please make our home a peaceful refuge for all who enter.”

 As women, like my friend, we have the incredible opportunity to set the atmosphere in our homes. Whether married or single, an apartment in the city or home in the suburbs. A dwelling where the peace of Christ rests; sharing the gospel with all who enter.

 That’s my prayer.

 Yet, my prayers get muddy when all at once a toddler starts crying, it feels like the ceiling is caving in as brothers wrestle in the hallway, phones ding, back doors swing shut, music practice commences in a bedroom, and the evening news tries to compete for the loudest position.

 So what are a few things we can do to create peaceful homes? Homes that are a refuge of God’s peace for ourselves, our families, and anyone the Lord brings to our kitchen table?

 First, I’ve found that a peaceful home starts with prayer. Praying diligently for God to rule and reign; His peace to cover our homes and the precious people living within its walls.

 Second, a peaceful home happens when we speak aloud scriptures of peace over our homes. 

 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace. ~ Psalm 29:11

 May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels." ~ Psalm 122:7

 Discipline your son, and he will give you peace; he will bring delight to your soul. ~ Proverbs 29:17

 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." ~ John 16:33

 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. ~ 1 Corinthians 14:33a

 Third, I find that when my family is on a good routine (flexible, yet with healthy boundaries) our home is much more peaceful. Life runs in a rhythm when mommy has her ducks in a row. Sure there are many interruptions (hello, life), but when we have a family calendar, everyone knows what days we clean, who has what chores, what activities are planned which days of the week, etc., it creates order and brings peace. 

 Fourth, purposely looking for ways to slow down, invites peace into the hustle bustle of a busy day. Reading a book aloud to our children, sitting on the back porch playing cards together, cutting out an activity that makes everyone feel rushed, making a hearty family favorite meal together, and lighting a candle at the dinner table.

 Lastly, filling our homes with peaceful worship music and songs that calm hearts almost instantly brings peace within our walls. I love Sing Over Me: Worship Songs & Lullibies, Hidden In My Heart: A Lullaby Journey Through Scripture, Give Me Peace by GFC Worship, and the song Invade by Watermark. I play it over and over again, prayerfully singing the lyrics. 

 Chorus: Jesus, come and walk the halls of this house. Tread this place and turn it inside out with your mercy... Jesus teach us the prayers that open these doors, until your light floods in and illuminates these floors. And let your truth be on our steps and in these rooms. Jesus invade.


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