Fearlessly Bold

July 14, 2017

By Stephanie Haile  It seems like every time I go to exercise at least one person has an ailment that they want to discuss with me....

Fearless Rest

July 7, 2017

By Sanjie Jackson  I was sitting in the waiting room at my doctor’s office reading a contract while waiting to be called. I had been sick...

Fearless Dreams

June 30, 2017

By Dara LaPorta  I’ve had my fair share of embarrassing moments. Some are funny, like the time I was back-flipping across the gym floor in front...

Fearlessly Unique

June 23, 2017

By Pam Otto  A couple weeks ago I started the Summer Study “Without Rival” by Lisa Bevere. While reading through a few chapters of the book,...

Fearless Defense

June 16, 2017

By Lisa Crumbley  I love how God is always inviting us to know Him more personally. It amazes me the ways He reveals Himself and that...

New Things!

June 12, 2017

By Paige Eavenson  At the beginning of the year I like to pick a word to define my year and focus on. I didn't have anything...


June 2, 2017

By Ashley Kuczynski  This past January I attended the first Beautiful Women’s Conference, Fearless! I played a part in planning prior to the event, a role...

What Exactly Am I Afraid Of?

May 26, 2017

By Stacy Heckman  I’ve been a believer as long as I can remember. I grew up attending church every week with my family, went to youth...

Do It Afraid

May 19, 2017

By Wanda GrimsleyIn January I assigned this powerful word to the new year that lay before me. Everything in my stream of consciousness seemed to...