And More …

February 18, 2022

Alexa Zerrate, GFC South Tampa 

Can you say MUCH MORE?

Our annual Beautiful Conference was truly MUCH MORE than I expected. 

Christine Caine and Lisa Harper opened their hearts, shared their passion and their experience with us, and I am still in awe of everything that happened. 

Some things that impacted me were to put my trust not in the ship or circumstances, but in the God who is never changing; and also to know and remember that He loves me so much in spite of my flaws, my past, my mess, and all because He has given me a new name. He pursues me and He qualifies me for the plans He has for me… plans to prosper me and not to harm me. The conference left my spirit refreshed. However, it’s one thing to have the knowledge I gain there, and another one to put it into action. 

The day after the conference, I was part of the production of a Christian music video. We were recording at a beach park and it was getting late. There was a group of young people who had a celebration. They seemed to be in a gang and were smoking and drinking. I started to get worried that something might happen since we had expensive equipment there and there was no security around. But my husband said, “Don’t worry, I got it”. 

Later on, when it was pitch black and the group started walking toward us. They spoke to my husband, asked what we were doing, and if it was okay for them to take a picture using the lighting we had for the video. My husband said “Sure”. They even asked if we could change the colors of the lights to red and my husband changed it for them. He then proceeded to take the picture and realized they had a cut-out of a person with them. They shared with us that they were celebrating the life of one of their friends who had just passed away. My husband told them he didn’t know if they believed in God, or in which god they believed in, but that he believed in the God of the universe who had created us all, and asked them if he could pray for them. They said yes, closed their eyes, and bowed their heads. In the end, they all said Amen! followed by their gang sign.

I was in tears. I remembered that we were not doing a video “for God”, but to minister to His people… and right there in the process is when we are given the opportunity to do so. We may be on our way to do something, but we need to make sure we don’t miss the miracles that happen on the way or in the midst. We are called to be light in this world and not fear the ship that God may use to bless others. 

God used us to plant that seed, He will do the rest… and much more. 

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